Day Care Abuse and Negligence


Children are a parents most precious treasure. While no parent is every truly prepared for an injury to their child caused by negligent supervision it can and does happen. Negligent supervision can happen while at a daycare, school, church, camp, private home and any other entity entrusted with the care and safety of a child. If your child has been the victim of daycare abuse or negligence it is important to contact Attorney Kristin M. Kizziah, Esq. immediately to seek the justice your loved one deserves.

While children will indeed be children, this does not alleviate liability to those you have entrusted your child's care and safety to. How a child is injured and the type of injury the child sustains can range from minimal to life-threatening. All childcare facilities and the child care-givers have a duty to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of the children they care for; any breach of this duty that results in an injury can be daycare negligence.


Forms of Daycare Negligence:

  • Unsafe Facilities
  • Unsafe toys and/or games
  • Insufficient Staffing
  • Failure to perform proper staffing background checks
  • Unsanitary Facilities
  • Failure to keep facility properly maintained
  • Abusive and violent language toward a child
  • Failure to properly train and supervise staff
  • Failure to properly supervise children
  • Failure to properly store and maintain hazardous materials
  • Careless actions regarding safety

If you suspect that your child has been a victim of abuse, please contact us right away so that we can protect your child and their legal rights.

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